West Virginia Teachers - Complete Application by 5 pm, 7 October 2024

Your students can be part of NASA’s efforts to build a long term human presence on the Moon by joining a teacher-led student global science experiment and inspirational project-based learning challenge to see who can grow the best crops using lunar regolith simulant. The Plant the Moon Challenge is aligned with Artemis, NASA’s mission to return to the Moon.

About the program: The NASA Space Grant project expands the Plant the Moon Challenge (PTMC) developed by the Institute of Competition Sciences (ICS) by offering teachers free lunar regolith kits (valued at $420 ea.), team coach stipends, teacher professional development, and state-level student team awards.

Participating educators receive a PTMC activity kit for each team of about ten students. The kit includes lunar regolith simulant, a Project Guide, a pH meter, 10 N95 masks, and a $100 materials stipend. Student groups work together to design their plant growth experiments using the simulant. Experiment variables may include the plant growth setup structure, amount of water used, and nutrients added to the regolith simulant. Teacher-advised teams use the Project Guide to design their plant growth experiments.

Timeline: The grow period is eight weeks from Feb - Mar 2025. From Jan – Apr 2025, teams are engaged in weekly activities and virtual events that supplement their hands-on project activities with STEM activities that connect them with NASA Artemis-related content.

Eligibility: Participants can be schools or organizations that work with middle or high school students. Informal organizations such as 4-H and Girl or Boy Scout troops may apply. The project has broad appeal to science, biology, botany, earth science, and agricultural and other related disciplines. A key goal for the NASA Space Grant Plant the Moon Challenge project is to engage more underrepresented and underserved middle and high school students in the challenge.

Professional Development: Five virtual professional development sessions will be offered for participating educators between November and April. In addition to the educator sessions, Plant The Moon staff and state Space Grant coordinators will be in communicate with the educators throughout the project and will be available to assist and answer questions. Educators will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the Challenge that will include a statement of PD hours for recertification purposes.

Experiential Prizes for Winning Teams: Up to eight state team winners will receive an award to fund a STEM-related field trip for the winning team and their coach. A best overall middle and high school team from each state will compete in a regional selection for the top regional prize. The regional prize for the winning students and their teachers at the middle and high school levels will be an expense-covered trip to Kennedy Space Center for the Visitor Center Complex experience, including a bus tour to the Saturn V Complex. While at KSC, the top winning teams will do a presentation on their projects at a ceremony which will include NASA specialists.

Application Opens: June 7, 2024
Application Closes: October 7, 2024, at 5pm ET
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50% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with your contact information.

Question Title

* 2. Name of your school or organization:

Question Title

* 4. Organization Shipping Address

Question Title

* 5. Please estimate the number of students that will be participating in the Plant the Moon Challenge.

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 6. How many kits do you wish to receive? NOTE: Each kit is designed to serve 10 students.

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. Describe the specific class or informal education program in which you will be offering the Plant the Moon Challenge. Explain why you would like to participate in this program.

Describe the demographics for the students your school or organization serves and how underserved and underrepresented populations are included.

Question Title

* 8. I confirm that my School Administrator is aware of and supportive of my participation in the NASA Space Grant Plant the Moon Challenge.

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* 9. As part of your application packet, we ask you to provide a letter from your current administrative supervisor (Principal or Vice Principal) or department chair stating that he or she supports your participation in the Plant the Moon Challenge project and will make sure you have access to facility resources to conduct the activities involved in this competitive science design project. 

Please provide contact info for your administrative or Department Chair Letterof Support.

Question Title

* 10. Upload letter of support.

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