You are being asked to participate in a voluntary research study. The purpose of this study is to understand people’s experiences of REBOOT Combat Recovery and REBOOT First Responders courses.

Participating in this study will involve completing two online surveys that take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Risks related to this research include the possibility that you may feel sad or upset when thinking about your life experiences. Benefits related to this research include providing information to help people cope with trauma in the future.

Principal Investigator Name and Title: Dr. Leanne Knobloch, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Contact Information: or 217-333-8913

Associate Investigator Name and Title: Dr. Jenny Owens, OTD, OTR/L
Affiliation: REBOOT Recovery
Contact Information: or 931-292-2011

What procedures are involved?
If you choose to participate, you will complete two online surveys that take approximately 20 minutes each. The surveys will occur during Week 3 and Week 12 of the course. We expect that approximately 250 people will participate in this study.

You will complete the surveys using the device of your choosing (i.e., phone, laptop, tablet) during course sessions or outside of course sessions at your convenience.

The surveys will ask questions about your background, your well-being, your physical and mental health, your spirituality, and your community involvement. To the best of our knowledge, the questions pose no more risk of harm than you would experience in everyday life.

Will my study-related information be kept confidential?
Research team members with permission or authority to see your responses will maintain confidentiality to the extent of laws and university policies. Personal identifiers that could link your responses to you will not be collected. Your course leader will not have access to your data.

Will I be reimbursed for any expenses or paid for my participation in this research?
At the end of the Week 12 questionnaire, you will have the option to visit a separate website to enter your mailing address to receive a care package valued at approximately $75. The care package is offered from our friends at Operation Gratitude as a token of appreciation for your participation. (limited to one care package per household).

 Can I withdraw or be removed from the study?
If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and discontinue participation at any time. Your participation in this research is voluntary. Your decision whether or not to participate, or to withdraw after beginning participation, will not affect your current or future dealings with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign or REBOOT.

The researchers also have the right to stop your participation in this study without your consent if they believe it is in your best interests.

Will data collected from me be used for any other research?
Your de-identified information could be used for future research without additional informed consent.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
If you have questions about this project, you may contact Dr. Leanne Knobloch at 217-333-8913 or If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this study or any concerns or complaints, please contact the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office for the Protection of Research Subjects at 217-333-2670 or via email at

Please print this consent form if you would like to retain a copy for your records:

Question Title

* 1. I have read and understand the above consent form. I certify that I am 18 years old or older. By clicking the “Submit” button to enter the survey, I indicate my willingness to voluntarily take part in this study.