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The Autism Society of North Carolina advocates with policymakers at the General Assembly, State Departments and Divisions as well as LME/MCO's to help create better services and opportunities for people on the autism spectrum. We are developing our public policy targets for the two-year legislative cycle that begins in January 2017.

Please help us by taking this quick survey, which asks you to prioritize potential public policy targets for the next two years.

ASNC is committed to working with policymakers to expand access to services and supports, expand access to health care, access to employment, improve education for children and young adults, improve services infrastructure, and ensure that people on the spectrum are able to exercise their rights and live in a just world. Given the MANY needs for public policy advocacy across all of these issues and the limited resources with which to advocate, ASNC must select focuses as we move forward.

Whether you are an individual on the spectrum, a family member, friend, professional or other person who cares about people with autism, we want to know what you think.  You are a person for whom we advocate, so your input into our public policy targets is crucial. And yes, choosing which issues are most important to you among the many important issues is difficult. We recognize that difficulty and appreciate your willingness to help us make the tough choices. Thank you for participation in our previous survey which was used for strategic planning purposes. Our final public policy targets will be released in December or January.
Please complete the following selection of demographic questions.  These responses help in our conversations on local and statewide levels to measure the varying needs of NC citizens and communities.

Please rank the following public policy issues in each section from most important to least important.

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* 1. Improving NC education

  1 Highest Priority 2 3 4 5 7 Lowest Priority
A more caregiver/child friendly Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Increase per student funding for special education
Increase training and professional development of teachers
Improve disability assessment process in schools
Improve transition planning and implementation
Ensure employment/careers is preferred outcome of education
Expand post-secondary education options for IDD

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* 2. Expanding access to services and supports (Please note that increasing access may not mean ASNC will be directly involved in providing the service, only in advocating for increased access).

  1 Highest Priority 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lowest Priority
Reduce waiting lists for CAP/Innovations waiver slots.
Improve crisis prevention and response.
Expand recreational options.
Increase access to early intervention (services for birth to 3 years).
Expand options and integrate care for those with dual-diagnosis (IDD and MH/SA).
Expand residential options for adults.
Increase employment and ensure employment/career is preferred outcome of services.
Expand non-waiver services for IDD (state-funded/b3/IPRS)
Expand access to treatment options (such as ABA, behavior supports,etc.) through Medicaid.
Expand access to Medicaid.

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* 3. Rights and Justice Issues

  1 Highest Priority 2 3
Ensure Guardianship program has stable funding, good training for courts and families, and focuses on restoration of rights when possible.
Ban prone restraint in schools.
Require additional training of agencies involved in guardianship and child welfare in NC.

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* 4. Improve Public Services Infrastructure

  1 Highest Priority 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lowest Priority
Ensure the Medicaid system addresses the needs of people with autism as it considers new managed care options. 
Restore independent case management to services system.
Address service quality by improving career options and rates for direct service workforce.
Improve distribution of services across the state.
Ensure services system is developed and focused on meaningful, person-centered outcomes.
Reduce paperwork and administrative barriers to accessing services.
Ensure the system maintains quality and expands training for professionals that offer high quality, autism-specific services and supports.

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* 5. Section 5: Have we missed a public policy issue that is of great importance to you? Please add it in the space below.

The next few demographic questions help us to understand the unique needs of various groups and areas in NC.  By helping us understand distinct community needs this helps with local advocacy.  Thank you for this information.

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* 6. What is the age (or ages) of the person with Autism you are thinking of as you completed this survey?

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* 8. Please indicate your relationship to the person (s) with autism you are thinking of as you responded to this survey.

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* 9. Thank you for your feedback. For more information on public policy issues and/or how you can be involved please contact Jennifer Mahan, If you would like ASNC to contact you directly, please leave your contact information (phone number or email) below. Please continue to monitor our E-newsletter and Policy Pulse for policy developments as the year progresses. You can sign up for the ASNC Policy Pulse on our website at  This response is kept confidential and internal to ASNC.