Question Title

* 1. We're excited to hear about the special tree you wish to nominate! First of all, show us where the tree is located?

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* 2. Does your tree have a special name?
(you can make one up if you like!)

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* 3. Now tell us a story about your tree..

We'd love to hear why you think your tree should be New Zealand's Tree of the Year 2024?

And remember, Tree of the Year is not about the most beautiful tree, but about the stories that connects our trees to our communities.

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* 4. Upload a photo or video of your special tree (if you have one!)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 5. Thank you for sharing! Are you happy for us to contact you if we'd like to hear more about your tree?