Before taking the survey, please click here to review our proposed campaign projects as outlined in the case for support.
Please submit completed surveys by Monday Nov. 12, 2018
Thank you for participating in the planning study!
The following survey is confidential.  Responses will only be seen by Changing Our World, Inc.

Question Title

* Contact Information

Relationship with Cure of Ars

Question Title

* 1.  How long have you been a parishioner at Cure’ of Ars?

Question Title

* 2. Do you or did you have children attend Cure’ of Ars School or participate in faith formation programs?

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following most closely describes your/your family's Mass participation at Cure’ of Ars?

Question Title

* 4.  Do you consider yourself an active parishioner? Are you involved in one or more groups or ministries?

Question Title

* 5. Are you actively involved in any school programs?

Impressions of Cure of Ars

Question Title

* 1. Taking into consideration each aspect of the parish, the parish staff, the liturgy, and parish groups and ministries, how would you rate the reputation of the parish?

Question Title

* Of the school?

Question Title

*    Of the parish ministries?

Question Title

* 2.  Is the parish doing a good job of serving the needs of its parishioners?

Question Title

* 3. Is the school doing a good job of serving the needs of our children?

Question Title

* 4. In your opinion, what is the one most outstanding quality or strength of the parish?

Question Title

* 5. In your opinion, what is the one weakness of the parish?

Question Title

* 6. How does Cure’ of Ars rank in terms of your own philanthropic priorities?

Question Title

* 7. What would it take for Cure’ of Ars to become a higher philanthropic priority for you?

Campaign for Cure of Ars

Question Title

* 1. Please rank the level of priority of these identified needs as described in the Case for Support

  High Med Low Not
Cure of Ars Activity Commons
Renovation to the school:
Parish Meeting/Event  Space and Offices

Question Title

* 2. Are there other priorities the parish should be addressing?

Question Title

* 3. Do you believe Cure’ of Ars parishioners will financially support a capital campaign as outlined in the case for support?

Question Title

* 4.  How much do you believe a successful parish campaign could raise?

Question Title

* 5. Would you support the campaign at a level above and beyond your regular support of Cure’ of Ars if pledges could be paid over a five-year period?

Question Title

* 6. If you were to make a pledge, what size gift would you consider over a five-year period? (Please note, this is not a commitment; rather, it is a projection of what is possible. Your response to this question will greatly assist our planning.)

Question Title

* 7. With the understanding that Fr. Storey will need help with the fundraising effort … Do you know any parishioners who you would recommend as campaign leaders?

Question Title

* 8.  What factors could affect your financial support of a campaign?

Question Title

* 9. Would you be interested in a memorial or a naming opportunity (e.g., making a gift in the name of a loved one, or in your family's name)?

Question Title

* 10. Long term, would you consider including Cure’ of Ars in your estate planning?

Question Title

* 11. With regards to your involvement in a campaign, would you consider:

  Yes No Maybe
Serving as a campaign leader
Hosting an event, such as a dinner
Soliciting gifts

Question Title

* 12.   Would you like to offer additional thoughts or comments as we conduct this planning study?
