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Thank you so much for taking this survey into hyper-independence and how it shows up in our lives. For context, my  name's Harriet Minter and I write the newsletter, We Can't Do It Alone, which looks at how we can all lead easier, happier lives by just asking for a bit of help now and then.

For context, my  name's Harriet Minter and I write the newsletter, We Can't Do It Alone, which looks at how we can all lead easier, happier lives by just asking for a bit of help now and then.

I don’t know about you but I have always been overly independent and taken on too much. So this newsletter is a quest to get to the bottom of that behaviour, look at why we’re culturally so in thrall to the idea of personal responsibility and start to ask how we can recover from that. Along the way I’ll be looking at subjects such as work, relationships, money, burnout, social media and society at large. To help me do that better, I'd love to know how independent you are and the places where you struggle with this. I've put together a (very) short survey to get a feel for how this problem shows up for all of us in our daily lives and if you've got ten minutes to take it, I'd be very grateful.

Oh, and you don't have to identify as a hyper-independent to take the survey. People pleasers and those who are just very balanced and sorted human beings would be wonderful too! :)
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