
Hi there, 

Thank you so much for being a Gaisce President Award Leader (PAL) and for taking the time to fill out this annual PAL survey.  

Last year, Gaisce surveyed all PALs to hear about how you found the role of a PAL, various levels of support and to get your feedback on upcoming events.  This year's survey continues on from this and is a great opportunity for you to provide Gaisce with invaluable feedback   

Once you have submitted your answers please be patient while we review them and collate your feedback.  No doubt there will be a lot of suggestions and a lot of information!

Please note the following:
This survey will remain open until Friday 31st March 2017 so you have until then to complete the survey.  
There are a total of 27 questions in this survey.   
It should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.  
Questions marked with an * require an answer 
To be in with a chance to win a €50 One 4 All voucher then please make sure your provide your full name and email address.  If you wish to remain anonymous then you will not be in with a chance to win. 

Thank you, in advance, for your honesty and feedback, it is greatly appreciated.  Wishing you a happy 2017 and hopefully the Gaisce team will be seeing you at one of our many events planned for this year.

Kind Regards,

Claire Byrne
Programmes & Engagement Officer 
Gaisce - The President's Award
01 - 617 1999

Please note: Any queries or comments on this survey should be sent in writing to Claire Byrne at cbyrne@gaisce.ie If any PALs wish to discuss an issue privately then please contact the Gaisce office on 01 617 1999.