Version 2 of the Proposed Revision to the 2015 Standards for Accreditation of Master’s Programs in Library and Information Studies

Feedback gathered thus far has been considered in constructing this version of the proposed revision (Word document) to the 2015 Standards. (See the Standards review process for details).
Thank you in advance for commenting on this version before the Committee on Accreditation prepares it for ALA Council consideration for adoption at the ALA Annual Conference in June 2023. If you have any questions about the survey, contact
1.What do you see as improvements to the current Standards in this version of the proposed draft?  (Please specify the standard(s) you are commenting on)
2.Any areas  you disagree with?  (Please specify the standard(s) you are commenting on)
3.What areas do you see as missing from the proposed revisions?  (Please specify the standard(s) you are commenting on)
4.Are there aspects of programs that seem not to be addressed by the Standards?
5.In what sector(s) of the profession do you work or are most closely affiliated?  (Select all that apply)