1. YEP provides a safe environment for students
2. I have observed positive interaction between YEP staff and students
3. The discipline and behavior management in YEP are consistent with the regular school day
4. The discipline and behavior management policies of YEP are well-enforced by YEP staff
5. YEP provides support for all students (Ex: ELL, special needs).
6. The YEP program environment is inclusive and represents the diversity of all participants (Ex: bilingual materials and staff, multicultural celebrations).
7. My students have come back to class excited about the things they have learned or done in YEP.
8. YEP provides youth with an opportunity to learn new things.
9. My students receive helpful and constructive homework support in YEP.
10. YEP provides students with opportunities to develop their leadership skills (Ex: helping their peers, making decisions).
11. YEP provides youth with daily opportunities to be physically active.
12. YEP staff are good role models for our students
13. YEP staff present themselves as professionals.
14. I am aware of the vision, mission and goals of YEP.
15. I am satisfied with the level of communication that I have with YEP staff.
16. I know who to contact if I have questions, comments or concerns about YEP.
17. I think it is important to have YEP at my school.