Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

There are only 10 questions for you to consider. Please answer the questions below, based on your experience of working with learners who are deaf or hard of hearing in the classroom, as well as Auslan interpreters in the classroom. 

Deadline: responses before Friday 4 May 2018 would be appreciated, however the survey will remain open beyond this date. 

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* 1. Have you had a student in your classroom who was deaf or hard of hearing?

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* 2. Approximately when was this?

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* 3. What support options did that student require in order to participate fully. You can select multiple options.

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* 4. To what extent were these support needs able to be accommodated? If there were any barriers, what were they?

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* 5. To what extent did the support options in question 3 meet the needs of the student?

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* 6. If the student used Auslan and an Auslan interpreter was provided, did the student and their interpreters have a positive working relationship?

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* 7. Again, if an interpreter was provided, did interpreters establish a good working relationship with you and your fellow staff?

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* 8. To what extent are you aware of the services provided by deafConnectEd?

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* 9. If you would like further information about deafConnectEd, please add your name and contact details below and we would be happy to contact you to talk about how we can support you.

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* 10. Are there any other comments you would like to make in relation to the needs of deaf or hard of hearing learners?