Strong Minds Run Club - Coaching Application (E)

1.Full Name, phone number, email (NEED ALL 3)(Required.)
2.Which locations would you be interested in coaching?(Required.)
3.Which club would you like to coach/teach?(Required.)
4.Are you willing to have a background check and/or obtain a fingerprint clearance card?(Required.)
5.Which position would you prefer? Click all that apply(Required.)
6.Explain your experience working with children?(Required.)
7.Will your own child be attending the class? (Must be in the correct age range and if at school must attend that school) There will be a small fee (approx. $15-20 for your own child to attend)(Required.)
8.What strategies would you use for a child showing poor behavior? (Not listening, interrupting, not participating, etc.)(Required.)
9.What size group of children are you comfortable working with by yourself? (Mark all options you are comfortable with)(Required.)
10.Why should we hire you to the Strong Minds Run Club team?(Required.)