
We would like to invite adults who are 18 years or older and currently living in the republic of Ireland to participate in our study on household food waste. Conducted by Courage Krah, Dr. Paul Hynds, and Dr. Anushree Priyadarshini from Technological University Dublin, this study aims to explore volumes, habits, and the environmental and economic impacts of household food waste.
It will require approximately 10 minutes to complete this survey, and your participation is completely voluntary. Be rest assured that all information provided will be kept strictly confidential, and no personally identifiable data will be disclosed in any published materials.

As a token of our gratitude, you will receive a free E-brochure when the survey closes.  It contains tips on reducing food waste and saving more on your food expenses.
The research is funded by the Irish Research Council under grant
number COALESCE/2022/804".

For any inquiries, please  contact Courage at d21128848@mytudublin.ie

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