ASLA 2019 Conference on Landscape Architecture - SITES Deep Dive Session

The purpose of this survey is to prepare for a presentation at ASLA’s 2019 national conference, Boots on the Ground: Measuring Landscape Performance in the Field. This presentation will review methods that every landscape architect or design firm can use to assess multiple aspects of site performance, starting with data sampling basics and including metrics used towards attaining SITES certification. This survey will help fine-tune the presentation talking points and inform discussions during the group breakouts, including which performance metrics and tools are most relevant and useful to the potential audience.

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* 1. What is your familiarity with SITES? (select all that apply)

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* 2. What is your familiarity with the Landscape Architecture Foundation’s Landscape Performance Series (LPS)? (select all that apply).

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* 3. What types of landscape performance inquiries are most useful to you? (rate most useful to least useful for each item)

  Not useful at all Somewhat useful Moderately useful Very useful Extremely useful
Soil - amendments or soil design or soil management
Water - Stormwater management- quantity
Water - Stormwater management- quality
Water - Contribution of soil and vegetation in stormwater management
Vegetation and Biodiversity - Creation of habitat for a target species
Vegetation and Biodiversity - Pollinator richness and abundance
Vegetation and Biodiversity - Carbon storage capacity/carbon footprint
Microclimate, weather, air quality, sound - Reduction or mitigation of the urban heat island
Microclimate, weather, air quality, sound - Vegetative shading and building energy consumption
Microclimate, weather, air quality, sound - Noise mitigation
Microclimate, weather, air quality, sound - Thermal comfort
Human health and well-being - Optimized site accessibility
Human health and well-being - Perceptions of safety
Human health and well-being - Equitable design process
Human health and well-being - nature engagement by users
Human health and well-being - improved social cohesion
Human health and well-being - human performance (work, school)
Human health and well-being - reduced illness
Economics - Life cycle cost analysis
Economics - Operations and maintenance costs
Economics - Revenue generation from site facility/programming
Economics - Project’s return on investment
Economics - Investment in resilience measures (upfront cost vs long term savings)

Question Title

* 4. What types of landscape performance inquiries are your clients most concerned or interested to learn about their site / landscapes once built? (rate most interested to least interested for each item)

  Not interested at all Somewhat interested Moderately interested Very interested Extremely interested
Soil - amendments or soil design or soil management
Water - Stormwater management- quantity
Water - Stormwater management- quality
Water - Contribution of soil and vegetation in stormwater management
Vegetation and Biodiversity - Creation of habitat for a target species
Vegetation and Biodiversity - Pollinator richness and abundance
Vegetation and Biodiversity - Carbon storage capacity/carbon footprint
Microclimate, weather, air quality, sound - Reduction or mitigation of the urban heat island
Microclimate, weather, air quality, sound - Vegetative shading and building energy consumption
Microclimate, weather, air quality, sound - Noise mitigation
Microclimate, weather, air quality, sound - Thermal comfort
Human health and well-being - Optimized site accessibility
Human health and well-being - Perceptions of safety
Human health and well-being - Equitable design process
Human health and well-being - nature engagement by users
Human health and well-being - improved social cohesion
Human health and well-being - human performance (work, school)
Human health and well-being - reduced illness
Economics - Life cycle cost analysis
Economics - Operations and maintenance costs
Economics - Revenue generation from site facility/programming
Economics - Project’s return on investment
Economics - Investment in resilience measures (upfront cost vs long term savings)

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* 5. What questions do you receive from clients about how a site might perform?

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* 6. What are the barriers that prevent landscape performance monitoring in your projects? (select all that apply)

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* 7. How has your firm or organization engaged with performance monitoring?

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* 8. Describe your ASLA membership category:

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* 9. Which of the following best describes your organization?

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* 10. Do you plan to attend the deep dive session, Boots on the Ground: Measuring Landscape Performance in the Field, at the 2019 ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture in San Diego?