Trinity Auburn Survey for 2023 Christmas Bazaar Potential

1.We are counting on you! (Well, your input, for now...)

Please take a few minutes to click through this, pray about it, and consider your thoughts on if this is something you think Trinity should go for this year. This survey is needed back to Sarah Bogdanoff no later than Sunday, October 29, 2023, so that there is time to get together and make preparations (if this is something the congregation wants to do)!

Pre-Pandemic, Trinity (via LWML and/or the Youth Group) put on a Christmas Bazaar the first Saturday in December.  For any/all the reasons you can probably think of, we haven't done a Bazaar since 2019.  Can you help get the ball rolling again?  This year, the hope is that Trinity's Bazaar can be more of a church-wide fellowship event and a community-wide witnessing opportunity, all with the added bonus of being able to raise funds to help those in need.  Your ideas are welcome!  

NOTE: This survey limits responses to 50 characters.  If you have more to say, just get a hold of Sarah =]

Date/Time: 1st Saturday in December (December 2nd, 2023) from 8am-2:30pm
This typically lines up with some other craft shows in town, and many people like to make a day of it.

Any other thoughts on date/time?
2.Bake Sale

We will need cookies, candies, pies, cakes, breads, fancy brownies, chocolate dipped deliciousness, and any other unique/home-made goods you can think of...GALORE!

In 2018/2019, we had maybe 10 dozen of things plus 8-10 large things (like a whole pie/bread loaf/candy box), and that was not really enough to get the variety that visitors want to see when they come to an event like this.  We are probably looking at needing at least 20 dozen things and 20 large things.

If you are able and willing to help, what might you be able to commit to (and please note kind of an idea of what you are thinking you'd make)?  

__________________ doz _______________________________________________________

__________________ large _____________________________________________________

Just a Note: If we don't have enough baked goods signed-up for, the Bazaar will be tough to pull off and may not happen.
3.Craft Show

We will need to put together a list of committed vendors, or even just crafty-types, that would want to set up a table and spend some time with us. 
There would be a small vendor table fee, or we may just ask for a free-will donation.

Some examples of who we've had in the past:
         i.          Travelling Craft Show Booth
         ii.         Homemade Earrings/Other Jewelry
         iii.        Books from the Christian Book Store in Falls City/CPH
         iv.        Cards (Handmade or Christian)
         v.         Norwex
         vi.        Mary Kay
         vii.       Health Products
         viii.      Youth (or Child)-Made Christmas Ornaments/Gifts
         ix.        Lightly Loved Christmas Decorations, Toys, etc.

Other ideas:
         i.         Comfort Dogs?
         ii.        Photography Vendor?
         iii.       Local Artists?
         iv.        Mason Jar Hot Chocolate/Soup Kits?
         v.         T-Shirts?

This will take quite a bit of networking and planning to make sure we have an attractive set-up, worth these vendors' (and shoppers') time.
Do you know of someone who may be interested in having a table at the Bazaar?
(Please include contact info, or better yet say that you'll contact them within the next two weeks and let us know! If it's just an idea, that's fine, too!)

Just a Note: If we don't get enough vendors to make it a worthwhile event (for a good cause, of course), the Bazaar will be tough to pull off and may not happen.
4.Support Stuff - Will need...

     i.         Christmassy plates and baggies or wrapping
     ii.        Cider
     iii.       Cocoa
     iv.       Soup (?)

Helpers to:
     i.         design a flyer, if you're interested!
     ii.         help put out flyers
     iii.         set up the day before (Friday, December 1st, 2023 at time TBD)
                           a. Decorate
                            b. Split up baked goods into ready-made, beautiful plates
                            c. Price items
                            d. Make and put up signs
     iv.         serve drinks/cookies from the kitchen the day of
     v.         clean up
     vi.         run the "cash register"
     vii.         help people bag their items and get them to their cars
     viii.         just come to be a friendly face, greet visitors, show folks around, and be social
     ix.         craft corner attendee (?)
Would you be willing to donate or help out?  If so, please let us know what you can see yourself doing!
5.Proceeds went to:
                                               i.         LCMS National Youth Gathering
                                              ii.         SENCA
                                            iii.         Project Response
                                             iv.         Lutheran Family Services
                                              v.         Orphan Grain Train
                                             vi.         Auburn Rescue
                                           vii.         Neighbor to Neighbor
                                          viii.         Seminary Students
                                             ix.         NADA
                                              x.         Senior Center
                                             xi.         Hearts United for Animals

Please choose your top three, and feel free to write something in!
6.Do you have any ideas for a relatively inexpensive and all-ages Kid's Craft, or a good door prize you could provide?
7.Could you make a crock pot of soup? If so, what kind?
8.Do you woodwork/make picture frames/draw/paint/knit/crochet/cross stitch/craft?  Maybe the congregation could have a joint "crafty gift" table!  What might you be able to contribute?
9.Here's a spot for any and all other ideas or comments!
10.Please also provide:
·       Your Name
·       Your Phone Number (and if you prefer text or call)
·       Your Email (if you would prefer to be reached that way)

Again, we request a ton of prayers on this.  Is there is a way you could see yourself committing to help Trinity put this Christmas Bazaar together for our congregation, our community, and especially those we could help?  In the past, this Bazaar has raised anywhere from $1000-$1700, which can go a long way! 

To turn in your survey by Sunday, October 29, 2023, (or if you have any questions/suggestions at all) please contact Sarah Bogdanoff:
·       Use the QR code in the bulletin announcement
·       Cell (Text or Call): (619)993-1120
·       Email:
·       Drop the paper survey or a note in her box at church
·       Mailing Address: 2406 R Street; Auburn, NE 68305

Whatever works, and THANK YOU for your time!