Question Title

* 1. Your Name (for CE credit)

Question Title

* 2. RN LIcense Number (Skip if not RN)

Question Title

* 3. Please answer the following questions

  Not at all Slightly Somewhat For the most part Very much so
The information in this activity will help me do my job?
This course met my objectives?
I was able to learn in this environment?
The teaching aids were effective?

Question Title

* 4. The objectives were met

  Not at all Slightly Somewhat For the most part Very much so
Define Stigma
Address ways Stigma negatively impacts patient care
Provide resources and skills to reduce stigma

Question Title

* 5. The speaker was knowledgeable about the subject.

  Not at all Slightly Somewhat For the Most Part Very Much So
Bronwyn McInturff MSW

Question Title

* 6. Knowledge of topic before activity

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* 7. Knowledge of topic after activity

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* 8. Did the activity coordinator communicate criteria for successful completion of the activity 

Question Title

* 9. Activity was free of commercial bias

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* 10. List suggestions for improving the activity

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* 11. What topic or experiences would help you gain new knowledge and/or develop new skills

Question Title