Thanks so much for taking a moment to share your thoughts with us. These questions are completely anonymous and your openness and honesty are very helpful as we plan next year's Married Couples Retreat. 

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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. Please indicate which spouse is filling out this survey.

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* 3. How long have you been married?

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* 4. How would you rate the hotel accommodations?

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* 5. How would you rate the hotel's location in the Palm Desert area?

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* 6. Would you like to have a husband and wife team again as future retreat speakers?

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* 7. The lengths of the sessions were:

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* 8. Please answer these questions below:

  Strongly Agree Agree Don't agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I liked the speakers.
The topics at the sessions were helpful for my marriage.
The check-in process on the first day was simple and easy to follow.
I enjoyed the times of worship during the retreat.
The room we stayed in was very nice.
I believe we were given enough time to hang out with other couples.
I felt having a photo booth was a good addition to this event.

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* 9. What would you change about the retreat to make it better for next year?

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* 10. Overall, how would you rate the event?

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* 11. If you were not able to return next year it would be because:

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* 12. How interested would you be in joining a 7-week Refuge Married Life Connect group in the fall? (Make sure to get on our email list before you leave so you will get a reminder when we start them up)

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* 13. What is one thing you wouldn't change?