Free and Low-cost course materials

Thank you for your support for lowering textbook and material costs for students! Please answer a few questions below, and double check your CRN and course/section for accuracy.

If you don't yet know the CRN for your course (especially if the schedule for a particular quarter has not yet been posted), just list your course and I'll find it for you.

Mark C. Healy
FT Faculty, Psychology
OER Coordinator

Question Title

* 1. Instructor Name:

Question Title

* 2. Department(s) or Program(s)

Question Title

* 3. Enter Summer 2022 CRN or course/section for each course featuring ZERO COST materials. Leave blank if low cost, but not free.
(Low cost [under $50 but not free] materials are covered by the next question.)

Question Title

* 4. Enter CRN or course/section for each Summer 2022 course featuring LOW COST (under $50 total) materials. (Leave blank if N/A)

Question Title

* 5. For Fall 2022 - Yes, it seems far away. In reference to the courses you listed above, will the equivalent courses for this Fall be OER as well?

If so, just answer "yes" or if more complex, let me know that as well. If you're not teaching this in summer, please indicate NA.

I'll email you if I have questions.