As a continuation of the Central Connection collaborative effort, the Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation (CREDC) and Chautauqua Health Network have tasked GObike with undertaking a closer look at pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure and connectivity along Central Avenue.
Over the past several months, GObike worked with the community to identify additional design interventions along Central Ave between the Village of Fredonia and the City of Dunkirk to improve safety and accessibility along the corridor. This process involved extensive community outreach to identify priority locations, gather feedback on potential designs, and data collection (qualitative and quantitative), the end goal being the implementation of priority design interventions in Summer 2024.
GObike invites residents to view and provide feedback to designs, which are the product of a year-long process guided by inter-municipal collaboration, and informed by over 400 survey responses and multiple feedback sessions with local community members. We'd like your opinion on how to create better connections between neighborhoods and business districts, and improve health and safety for residents and visitors.
(This project is made possible by funding provided by the Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation and by the Chautauqua Health Network. Other project partners include the Village of Fredonia, City of Dunkirk, Chautauqua County, SUNY Fredonia, Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation’s Local Economic Development Committee, and the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo.)