District Information

Dear HS Science Teacher or District Representative,

CSTA and its partners are trying to gather data about the science requirements and the basic science taking patterns for students across the state. We would like to thank you for taking a couple of moments to provide this information so that we can …

• Inform the California Department of Education(CDE), the California County Superintendents Education Association (CCESA), and other stakeholders on the general state of science education in grades 9-12

• Allow for this information to be used in by various stakeholders in determining how Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) professional learning opportunities will be structured

• Assist the various stakeholders in the development of their course of study

• Provide data to all stakeholders for the evidence needed in funding allocation and acquisition

Please take the time to fully complete this survey, taking into account all the different pathways and requirements across your district, not just a single example.

As your district develops and implements their plan to transition to the Next Generation Science Standards, data must be gathered to help allocate resources, determine professional development and structure a course of study. It is important that this data be gleaned from across the state to help in the process of transitioning to our new science standards.

Thank you in advance for your time!

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your school district?