
We are looking for creative, resourceful, entrepreneurial-thinking law students to participate in the NUvention class. Because law students will be on teams with students from other departments, we are especially interested in students who work well with others, who can communicate effectively about legal subjects, and who will be responsible and mature throughout the entire two-quarter period of the course.

Please complete the survey below and also email a copy of your resume to with “NUvention application resume” in the subject line. If you have any questions, please contact Jonathan Gunn at Applications are due on Monday, August 5th, 2019, by 5 PM.

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* 1. Name and Student ID #

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* 2. Mobile Phone & Email Address

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* 3. Chicago Address

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* 4. Educational background prior to law school

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* 5. Classes already taken in law school, and those you plan to take this year, that are relevant to Medical Innovation (ie: IP; business; entrepreneurship; courses that develop teamwork, negotiation or other skills, etc.)

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* 6. Please send your resume or CV as an attachment when you email this application. In this space, please discuss any particularly relevant professional experiences not communicated in your resume

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* 7. If you have had any relevant entrepreneurial experiences, please highlight here

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* 8. Why are you interested in NUvention Medical Innovation? Answer in 250 words or less

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* 9. Are you now, or have you been in the past, a party to any employment, confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-compete, IP assignment or other agreement that could in any way affect your involvement with this class? If so, please explain

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* 10. I understand that class attendance is required. I understand that most classes that include students from all of the programs (the weekly class that meets from 6-9) will meet on the downtown campus in the fall and will meet in Evanston in the spring. I commit to attending the final pitch presentation in each quarter, on December 5, 2018, and on March 6, 2019. (Note that the December 5 pitch falls during the law school's exam period.) I certify that all of the information provided on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge