Thank you for taking the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Survey. The purpose of this survey is to learn from a variety of stakeholders about where we are succeeding and need to improve our programming. The results from this survey will inform our future practices of the Pine to Prairie/Northland Perkins Consortium

Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs offer courses in a variety of career fields like business and marketing, health science technology, human services, agriculture, food, and natural resources, arts, communication, and information systems, engineering, manufacturing, and technology. You can see more information about the CTE course offerings here.

Data Privacy Statement

The college and/or school district is asking you to provide information which may include private information under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA).  The college and/or school district is asking for this information to better inform their biennial Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment as it pertains to the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).

This information will be used by Perkins consortium leaders to identify local priorities and to clarify the needed focus of secondary and postsecondary Career and Technical Education programs and programs of study.

You are not legally required to provide the information the college or school district is requesting and you may refuse to provide some or all of the information requested; however, the college and/or school district may not be able to determine the state of the consortium’s Career and Technical Education programs and programs of study if you do not provide the information.