(*) Mandatory fields
Expand the reach of your long form content and generate demand for your products and solutions by reaching out 3,000 targeted audience of your choice from event database. This campaign enables you to push targeted messages to B2B professionals.

Question Title

* 1. Contracted Company Name

Question Title

* 2. Exhibiting Company Name (Use for promtion purpose)

Question Title

* 3. Company website URL

Question Title

* 4. Booth No.

Question Title

* 5. Submitted by (please provide your full name)

Question Title

* 6. Submitted Email

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate which category(ies) of email lead generation you would like to apply?

Question Title

* 8. Which of below visitors' business sectors you would like to target?
(please rank the most 3 following visitors' business sectors in order of importance, where 1 is the most important to you)

Question Title

* 9. Which of below segments of the industry would like to target? 
(please rank the most 3 following segments in order of importance, where 1 is the most important to you)

Question Title

* 10. Which is the most preferable month of your choice for this email lead generation?