The purpose of this survey is to ensure that the New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Level 2) is meeting the needs of the Civil Industry. 

If you have any further questions or feedback please contact Marie Cross on 

Thank you for your assistance in ensuring this qualification is meeting the industry's needs.
The following questions refer to New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Level 2)

Question Title

* 1. This qualification provides the skills and knowledge required by those entering the Civil Industry.

Question Title

* 2. If you selected 'Disagree' or Strongly Disagree' to the above question, please suggest some improvements to the qualification.

Question Title

* 3. The evidence required for assessments is easily gathered from day-to-day workplace activities.

Question Title

* 4. The assessment materials used to assess learners are relevant to my workplace.

Question Title

* 5. Did you or your trainee go on to study the New Zealand in Infrastructure Works (Level 3)?

Question Title

* 6. Please enter any additional feedback about improvements we can make to the qualification, programme, unit standards, completion times, barriers for trainees or employers.

The following questions refer to your demographic information

Question Title

* 7. Please select the category which best describes you

Question Title

* 8. Please enter your details below (optional)

Thank you for your feedback.

To submit your response please click the 'Done' button below.