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* 1. Your Name/Your Student's Name & Class Period

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* 2. Did you/your child engage in Mrs. Day's class this 9-weeks? Did you participate?

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* 3. Which of these did you/they use to engage in Mrs. Day's class? Select all that you used.

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* 4. Of all those platforms, which were THE MOST helpful to you/them? Select as many as you wish.

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* 5. Rate the work Mrs. Day assigned.

Way too easy I learned, but it was doable. Way too hard
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. What did you/your child LIKE about Mrs. Day's distance-learning class?

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* 7. What DIDN'T you/your child like about Mrs. Day's distance-learning class?

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* 8. Did you feel like Mrs. Day cared about you (or your child), as a person, the first 3/4 of this school year?

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* 9. Did Mrs. Day's class feel engaging this 9-weeks?

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* 10. Finally, imagine you could travel back to March 13th, our last day of physical school, just to give Mrs. Day some advice on teaching online. What advice would you give her?