Climate Action Today: contacting key committee members for the HEAL Act, Community Oversight Boards and Independent Investigations; and calling your legislators to ensure strong climate bills are passed this session.

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* 1. HEAL Act - SB 5141

Implementing the recommendations of the environmental justice task force.

Scheduled for an executive session in the Senate Committee on Environment, Energy, and Technology on Thursday, February 4, 10:30 AM

Please email or call the following members of the Committee and ask them to vote YES on SB 5141. If you’re calling and you reach voicemail, be sure to speak slowly and clearly and say the bill number. And be sure to let them know if you are a constituent of their district!

Click here to send an email to these three members of the committee. Be sure to let them know if you are a constituent of their district!

If the above link did not work, please address your emails to:

Sen. Sharon Brown (R-8) – (R-360) 786-7614 –
Sen. Phil Fortunato (R-31) – (360) 786-7660 –
Sen. Steve Hobbs (D-44) – (360) 786-7686 –

Here are some talking points you can add as to why you support the bill:
  • It’s an opportunity to fully achieve the goals of Washington’s laws that were written to clean up pollution and preserve and protect where we live, work, and play.
  • It would advance equitable community participation in planning, resource allocation, programs, and enforcement. 
  • The HEAL Act would use the Washington Environmental Health Disparities Map to identify populations that are most impacted by environmental effects and engage them in ways to uplift their communities and create a safer and healthier planet for all. 
  • The HEAL Act aims to bring those most affected by pollution to the forefront by: defining environmental justice in state law; centering new investments in frontline communities; and increasing public engagement.

  Sen. Sharon Brown (R-8) Sen. Phil Fortunato (R-31st) Sen. Steve Hobbs (D-44th)
I called
I emailed

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* 2 & 3. Community Oversight Boards HB 1203 and Independent Investigations HB 1267

The Community Oversight bill would establish a statewide standard requiring independent, community oversight for any police department with 10 or more officers, empower these community oversight boards to investigate and resolve all complaints within 120 days, and ban current police officers or close relatives from serving on them.

The Independent Investigations bill comes out of recommendations of a Governor’s Task Force. It would establish a state-level entity for criminal investigation of injuries or deaths from police use of deadly force, custodial injuries and deaths, and sexual assault by police. It would also create a state level prosecutor independent of the county prosecutors.

Please email or call the following members of the Committee and ask them to vote YES to both HB 1203 and HB 1267. If you’re calling and you reach voicemail, be sure to speak slowly and clearly and say the bill number. And be sure to let them know if you are a constituent of their district!

Click here to send an email to these three members of the committee.

If the above link did not work, please address your emails to:

Rep. Brad Klippert, (R-8) – (509) 317-8471 –
Rep. John Lovick, (D-44) – (253) 275-1405 –
Rep. Gina Mosbrucker, (R-14) – (360) 786-7856 –

Here are some talking points you can add as to why you support the bill:
  • It is difficult for any employee to investigate or discipline colleagues, especially if they may continue to work with them.
  • In 2015, a Reuters Investigation found only 10% of 215 complaints against police led to any disciplinary action within the Tacoma Police Department.
  • Police in Washington state have killed more than 90 people since December 2018, when Initiative 940 became law.
  • Other professionals, such as health care workers and accountants, are subject to public oversight.
  • Directly impacted families and community members must have a significant place at the table in addressing police accountability so that their lived experiences inform the development of policy.

  Rep. Brad Klippert (R-8) Rep. John Lovick (D-44) Rep. Gina Mosbrucker (R-14)
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* 4. Calling all Constituents!

We know that the most effective strategy for making our voices heard is by contacting our own legislators. Simply put, legislators care what their constituents think. 

So, what’s on your mind?

If Washington state is truly serious about taking climate action – these bills, in their strongest form, need to pass this year. We literally are running against the clock to have a livable future.

Please contact all three of your legislators and let them know these impactful climate bills need to pass this year.
  • HB 1204 Clean Cars 2030 would require all new cars and light trucks to be electric starting in 2030. The Senate companion bill is SB 5256. 
  • HB 1084 Healthy Homes, Clean Buildings would require new buildings to be carbon free by 2030 and would eliminate fossil fuels from existing buildings by 2050. The Senate companion bill is SB 5093. 
  • SB 5141 HEAL Act would implement the recommendations of the environmental justice task force. This does not have a companion bill. 
  • HB 1099 and HB 1220 would both make necessary updates to the Growth Management Act. Neither of these bills have companion bills.
Not sure who your three legislators are? Look them up here: Legislative District Finder.

And if you’re calling and you reach voicemail, be sure to speak slowly and clearly and say each bill number.

  My senator My representative My other representative
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* Thanks for taking action with us! How did that go?

-- The 350 WA Civic Action Team

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