As you know, Safety is our first priority here at Sugar Creek Charter School, which is why we are currently in Plan C, Full Remote Learning.  However, multiple local school districts are considering to transition into Plan B, which is the hybrid of face-to-face learning and remote learning.  

While this transition is not happening at the moment, we would like to collect feedback from you on this possible transition.  Please keep in mind that if we were to move towards a hybrid model, this transition would not happen until after Fall Break or possibly later in the school year.  We will continue to monitor the trends of COVID-19 and seriously take that into consideration before any school-wide decisions are made. 

Your Opinion Matters!  Please answer the questions below.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate the school level your student(s) attending Sugar Creek Charter School.  

Question Title

* 2. How many students, between Kindergarten to 8th grade, do you have that attend Sugar Creek Charter School?

Question Title

* 3. If given the option, would prefer your child returning to school for face-to-face instruction in the hybrid model OR continue remote learning model from home?

Question Title

* 4. Please check the following concerns from the list below that you would have with your students returning back to the school building for face-to-face.  If you have concerns not listed, please provide them in the text box under Other.