Encounter Data Resource Hub Feedback Form Help us make the Resource Hub a better experience for California's healthcare community! Question Title * 1. How likely are you to recommend IHA's Encounter Data Resource Hub to a friend or colleague? 1 5 10 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 2. Please tell us why. Question Title * 3. Please select whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Resource Hub. Agree Disagree It's easy to download a resource. It's easy to download a resource. Agree It's easy to download a resource. Disagree It's easy to share a resource. It's easy to share a resource. Agree It's easy to share a resource. Disagree It's easy to know what resources are available. It's easy to know what resources are available. Agree It's easy to know what resources are available. Disagree The resources available are useful to me and my teams. The resources available are useful to me and my teams. Agree The resources available are useful to me and my teams. Disagree Question Title * 4. How can we improve the Resource Hub? Question Title * 5. Which best describes your organization? Provider Practice Community Health Center Health Plan EHR Vendor Regulator Other (please specify) Done