Candidate: Hazzan Brian Shamash - Second Visit

On May 20-22, 2016, our synagogue hosted Hazzan Brian Shamash as a candidate for the position of Cantor of the Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda. If you attended any of the programs, we are requesting your input to assist the Cantor Search Committee in evaluating the candidate.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. 

The survey is anonymous and the survey responses will be summarized and used by the committee as part of its decision making process. 

Question Title

* 1. Which events/services did you attend?

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* 2. Overall, what did you think about the Chazzan's voice?

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* 3. Did he encourage you to participate?

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* 4. What qualities did you like about the Hazzan?

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* 5. What did not appeal to you? 

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* 6. Did you feel that the Hazzan interacted well with all age groups?

Question Title

* 7. To help us determine your requirements, please indicate the importance you place on the following qualities of a Hazzan. This applies to any Cantor, not just Hazzan Shamash

  Important Moderately Important Not Important
Ability to connect with youth, young adults and families
Ability to connect with seniors
Active full time member of the clergy
Willing to go above and beyond
Ambassador for the synagogue in the community
Relates well to others
Good role model

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* 8. Your Age Range

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* 9. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?