We invite you to help us better understand how residents of Flat Rock feel about water and the Huron River in their community. To continue making sense of the information collected, we've created an anonymous online form for you to share your thoughts with us. You know your community best and can add meaning to the information and identify what is missing. Feel free to share only where you're inclined to.

Question Title

1. Where did we get it right? What do you think best represents your community?

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2. What's missing from our summary that you'd like to add?

Question Title

3. What did we get wrong? Is there anything we misunderstood or could explain differently?

Question Title

4. Is there anything else you'd like to share related to water in your community?

Question Title

5. OPTIONAL - We do not require that you share your name or other contact information. However, if you would like for us to follow up on anything you shared, please include your name, email, and phone number below. Responses above will not be linked to your contact information. All information will be reviewed in aggregate.