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Fitness Group Survey

Thanks for taking the time to complete this survey, it should only take you a minute or so.  If there is enough interest, we will let you know further details via our eNewsletter. 

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* 1. Would you be interested in attending group fitness classes with other CF carers and parents?

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* 2. How far from your home would you be willing to travel to attend classes?

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* 3. What day/times of the week would you prefer to attend classes?

  Early Morning Class start time between 6 - 7 am Morning Class start time after 9 am Late afternoon class start time after 6pm

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* 4. What is the maximum amount you would be prepared to contribute to the cost of the class?

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* 5. How many sessions are you prepared to commit to?

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* 6. What suburb do you live in?

0 of 6 answered