
Consultation on a proposed new certification mechanism for genuinely good Human Resources (HR) management in the public research sector in Europe

The European Commission is investigating how best to implement a new certification mechanism that will recognise genuinely good human resources (HR) management in the public research sector in Europe. The intention is to allow Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) that provide attractive careers for researchers and employ genuinely good HR practives and policies to be properly recognised through the award of a quality label.

The scheme will build on the work that the European Commission and others have carried out under the existing HR Strategy for Researchers / HR Excellence Award, and will be widely applicable, taking account of the different national contexts and legislative frameworks within which RPOs and RFOs operate.

In order to identify the most suitable ways to design and implement the new certification mechanism, we are carrying out a consultation and hope to encourage a large number of stakeholder organisations to contribute. The consultation will allow contributors to express their initial views on the proposed HR certification scheme, and is focused on four main topics:

  1. Identification of relevant existing HR quality schemes in use at national or international level, that the proposed new HR mechanism should learn from or be integrated with
  2. Identification of relevant legislation, initiatives and other factors at national that may enable or impede the ability of RPOs and RFOs to implement genuinely good HR practices and policies
  3. Identification of good practice examples for the design and implementation of EU-wide quality schemes
  4. Collection of preliminary opinions on the relevance and utility of the proposed new certification scheme to RPOs, RFOs and researchers, and identification of key ‘success’ factors that the European Commission should take account of when designing and implementing the new scheme

We would like to thank you in advance for your contribution, and invite you to also alert other relevant organisations and individuals to this consultation, directing them to the following web address:

The consultation will be open until 30 September 2013, but we would be grateful if contributors could respond as soon as possible.

All responses to the consultation will be treated as confidential and will only be reported in a non-attributable manner.

If you require any further information, experience any difficulties in completing the consultation questionnaire, or wish to submit additional information by email, please contact us at the following address:

To enter the consultation and provide your inputs, please click 'next page' below.