Note: Eligibility for this fellowship is contingent on concurrent application to or completion of the Graduate Teaching Certificate Program. Applicants must also be enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences.

Question Title

1. Contact Information

Question Title

2. What WCAS Ph.D. program are you currently enrolled in?

Question Title

4. Please describe your degree progress by indicating which of the following milestones you have completed:

  Yes No
Masters Degree Completed
Qualifying/Comprehensive Exams Passed
Dissertation Prospectus Approved

Question Title

5. Do you anticipate being fully funded with a tuition scholarship and stipend during the 2012-2013 academic year?

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6. Briefly describe your interest in the fellowship. What do you hope to gain from the experience? (250 words maximum)

Please email the following materials to Tom Popelka ( by Monday, May 21: (Materials must be sent in a single email; multiple emails will not be considered.)

- CV
- Teaching evaluations or other evidence of teaching effectiveness (e.g. CTECs)
- Proposal for a Freshman Seminar (500 word max; information about Freshman Seminars and guidelines for writing a proposal can be found on the Searle Center website)
- Statement of Teaching Philosophy (approximately 500-1000 words)

You must also arrange for a letter of nomination from a faculty member. In the letter, faculty must commit to serving as your teaching mentor for the year of the fellowship, providing guidance and feedback on the development of your Freshman Seminar. Please arrange for your letter to be emailed to