We added some fun things to do around the library this year and we would like to hear your feedback on them.

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* 1. Did you notice the photo booth this summer? It was a painting in the window of the picture book fiction collection, also known as the Easy Collection. We thought it would be a nice backdrop for a photo, if anyone wanted a memento. It was also an Advantage Challenge for this year's Reading Rewards Program, which allowed kids to earn time for their reading logs.

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* 2. Do you think we should always have a summer-themed photo booth?

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* 3. Did you notice the Make This! stations spread around the library? These little boxes were set up with different crafts to do during the summer, including a Harry Potter bookmark, origami and coloring pages. There were also Advantage Challenges tied into using these boxes, such as writing a Haiku or posting a photo of something you made online.

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* 4. If you used the Make This! stations, what did you think of the craft activities? Did you enjoy them? Were they difficult or easy? Do you have any suggestions for new activities?

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* 5. Do you think we should have Make This! stations next year?

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* 6. One of the Make This! station activities is the Star Pick card, a recommendation card that you fill out and submit to a librarian to be filed in the book you recommended here at the library. What would you think of continuing the Star Pick cards as a year-round activity?