Welcome to the Hollywood Route 66 PBID Exploration Survey

Property Owners along Route 66 in Hollywood, The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and Civitas Advisors are studying the possibility of forming a Property and Business Improvement District (PBID). We have asked you to participate in this survey because your property is currently within the proposed boundaries.

PBIDs are a stable funding source for organizations of property owners working to improve their district. Owners within the district work together to make significant improvements, attract tenants and new businesses, and develop the area.

PBIDs can have many functions, all of which are aimed at improving the district. A PBIDs operations are determined by the property owners funding the PBID. PBID activities often include security services, clean up and maintenance services, capital improvements, marketing programs and many other significant progressive projects.

Please take a moment to complete this survey – your input is what will make the Hollywood Route 66 PBID formation a success!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our consultant at Civitas, Gina Trechter at (213) 236-2336 or via email at gtrechter@civitasadvisors.com.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes you and/or your property along Hollywood Route 66?

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* 2. Which of the following types of businesses and/or uses occupy your property?   Select all that apply

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* 3. What is the address or AIN of the property you own/rent/lease?

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* 4. What do you see as a continued challenge for Hollywood Route 66? Select all that apply

Question Title

* 5. What level of improvement along Hollywood Route 66 do you feel is needed in each of the following areas?

  Needs No Improvement Needs Some Improvement Needs Great Improvement
Decreasing Property Values
Street Crime
Litter/Trash/Abandoned Property
Property Crime
Decreasing Tenants
Lease Rates
Nuisance Tenants

Question Title

* 6. How satisfied are you with these current services along Hollywood Route 66?

  Unsatisfied Less than Satisfied Satisfied Highly Satisfied Greatly Satisfied
Security Patrols
Street Cleaning
Garbage Collection
Public Improvements
Community Events

Question Title

* 7. The following is a list of possible services the Hollywood Route 66 PBID can provide. Which of the following do you feel is important to the area? Feel free to add other possible services.

  Not Important Least Important Important Somewhat Important Very Important
Median Work
Landscape Improvements & Maintenance
Bury Power Lines
Powerwashing Sidewalks
Pedestrian Street Lighting Improvements
Beatification/Image Enhancement
Litter Abatement and Installation of Trash Cans
Marketing Activities and Promotions
Homeless & Social Services
Graffiti Removal
Enhance Wayfinding Signage
Parking Improvements

Question Title

* 8. Would you be willing to pay an assessment to fund the services listed below?

  Yes Maybe No
Median Work
Landscape Improvements & Maintenance
Bury Power Lines
Powerwashing Sidewalks
Pedestrian Street Lighting Improvements
Beatification/Image Enhancement
Litter Abatement and Installation of Trash Cans
Marketing Activities and Promotions
Homeless and Social Services
Graffiti Removal
Enhance Wayfinding Signage
Parking Improvements

Question Title

* 9. How much would you be willing to pay for the services?

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* 10. Would you consider signing a petition and ballot asking the City to form the Hollywood Route 66 PBID if it were designed to provide the services you identified as important in question 7?

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* 11. Would you be interested in becoming more involved in the PBID formation process?

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* 12. Are there any additional comments about the Hollywood Route 66 PBID you would like to share?

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* 13. Contact Information:  This information will only be used for purposes related to the Hollywood Route 66 PBID efforts.