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* 1. What is your first name, last name, and phone number?

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* 2. Do you have any other family members that attend Calvary? Please list them below:

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* 3. When you attend, which service do you primarily attend at Calvary Community Church Sumner?

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* 4. Do you access your MyCalvary account? This is our church database where you are able to check in for events, check in at Calvary Kids, give and see your serving schedule. If you have done any of those things you have an account.

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* 5. We would love to see your smiling face. My Calvary has the ability to showcase your profile photo.

Yes, I will upload my picture myself I will email it to I need your help
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Are you in a Life Group? If yes, what is the group/leader’s name?

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* 7. Are you currently serving in a ministry?

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* 8. Thank you for your input. Is there anything you have questions about or would like to share with us?