2022 IEEE ISAF: UFFC-S Diversity Survey Thank you for participating in this short anonymous survey, which is designed to collect demographic information about the ISAF 2022 attendees.The IEEE UFFC Society is committed to cultivating a diverse professional community. By taking part in this survey, you can help us learn about the makeup of this symposium, and ensure that future UFFC-S events are inclusive and representative. All data will be analyzed in aggregate, and no individually identifiable information will be retained (including the IP address). For any question that you do not wish to answer, you may select "prefer not to say". If you wish to preview all questions before taking the survey, you can access them through the link below.IEEE UFFC-S Diversity Survey QuestionsIf you have any questions about this survey, please email uffc-admin@conferencecatalysts.com. Question Title * 1. Presentation Type Prefer not to say Plenary/invited Contributed oral/poster Non-presenting Question Title * 2. To which gender identity do you most identify? Male Female Transgender Male Transgender Female Non-Binary Not listed Question Title * 3. Region (as defined by the IEEE) Prefer not to say Region 1 (Northeastern US) Region 2 (Eastern US) Region 3 (Southeastern US) Region 4 (Central US) Region 5 (Southwestern US) Region 6 (Western US) Region 7 (Canada) Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East) Region 9 (Latin America) Region 10 (Asia and Pacific) Question Title * 4. Employment Prefer not to say Academia Industry Government (National Laboratory, Institute or Military) Question Title * 5. Career stage Prefer not to say Student Graduate Student Less than 10 years after first degree More than 10 years after first degree Retired/Emeritus Question Title * 6. Highest degree attained Prefer not to say Associate or equivalent Bachelor or equivalent Master or equivalent Doctor or equivalent Other (please specify) Next