Intimacy after Stroke

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about the webinar you attended, please indicate to what degree you agree with each statement using this rating scale:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
A real or potential conflict of interest disclaimer was acknowledged by the presenter(s).
I did not perceive any sources of commercial bias during the presentation.
The session achieved its stated learning objectives.
I was engaged by the quality of the presentation.
I felt that the presenters were credible and knowledgeable.
The information was presented clearly.
The information provided will contribute to my work and/or the care of my patients.
I became aware of a new idea or approach relevant to my work through participating in this session.
The GoToWebinar program was easy to access and use.
I would participate in another webinar related to the Canadian Stroke Best Practices.

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* 4. If you perceived any sources of commercial bias in the program, please explain.

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* 5. What is the most significant thing you learned/took away from this webinar?

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* 6. What additional learning activities and topics would you like to have included at future stroke-related learning events?

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* 7. Additional comments and/or feedback you would like to share:

Question Title

* 8. If you would like to receive additional information on stroke, knowledge translation and professional development tools through email from the Heart and Stroke Foundation, please submit your email address below.

If you require a certificate for Continuing Professional Education, please click this link and download the document: Certificate.
Please remember to click 'done' below to complete the survey.  Thank you.