GP Obstetric Shared Care Program: Feedback and Satisfaction Survey

As part of our service agreement for the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program, SA Health has requested that GPEx conduct this survey with Accredited GPs. We are seeking your feedback on the Program’s aims and objectives, the education and resources provided, and your overall satisfaction with the Program.
Your insights are valuable to us. All responses will remain confidential and will be used solely to improve the Program.

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1. Please Enter Your Contact Details

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2. Are you based in

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3. How many years have you been participating in the SA GP Obstetric Shared Care Program?

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4. How frequently do you have appointments with women in the Obstetric Shared Care (OSC) Program?

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5. On average, how many antenatal appointments do you have per month?

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6. Are you the only Accredited Obstetric Shared Care GP in your Practice?

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7. How familiar are you with the SA Perinatal Guidelines, in particular the new GP Obstetric Shared Care PPG?

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8. How do you typically access the SA Perinatal Guidelines?

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9. How satisfied are you with the CPD Activity opportunities provided through the Obstetric Shared Care Program?

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10. Do the CPD Activities offered throughout the triennium adequately meet your needs?

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11. How satisfied are you with the content of the CPD Activities you have attended?

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12. The following statements are designed to gauge your perceptions of various aspects of the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program. Please consider how each statement reflects your experience.

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
You feel confident in providing Obstetric Shared Care to your patients
You feel you are supported by the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program in achieving your professional goals
You are confident in applying the Program's PPG to your patient care practices
You are satisfied with the level of support and guidance provided by the Hospital Midwife Coordinators in managing patient queries
You are satisfied with communication received from your patient's birthing hospital
You feel the Program helps you stay updated with best practices and new guidelines in obstetric care

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13. If you have participated in a Supervised Clinical Attachment, how satisfied were you with the overall process and your experience during your attachment?

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14. If you have interacted with staff from any public maternity hospital unit regarding the OSC Program, patient care, or general inquiries, how satisfied are you with the quality of the interaction, information, and service you received?

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15. How satisfied are you with the promotional materials—such as posters, brochures, newsletters, and other information—distributed by the OSC Program Team?

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16. If you have been contacted by any of the GP Advisors, Midwife Coordinators or Program Manager regarding issues with adherence to the OSC Guidelines, how satisfied were you with the interaction?

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17. Do you currently have the capacity to accept new OSC patients?

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18. Regarding Midwifery Group Practice patients, if the model were available, would you be interested in sharing antenatal care throughout the entire pregnancy, including the third trimester?

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19. How frequently do you engage with the GP Obstetric Shared Care section of the GPEx website?

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20. Would you be interested in increasing your involvement with the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program? If so, in what ways would you like to engage more?

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21. Is there anything else you would like to share or any suggestions you have to enhance your experience with the GP Obstetric Shared Care Program, including interactions with Midwife Coordinators and the birthing hospital?