Since the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency has ended, we would like to learn how COVID affects you and your community now.

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* 1. What is your ZIP Code?

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* 2. How concerned are you about getting COVID-19?

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* 3. How important do you think getting a COVID-19 vaccine is to protect someone from serious illness and/or complications due to COVID-19?

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* 4. How safe do you think a COVID-19 vaccine is for you?

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* 5. To your knowledge, have you ever had COVID-19?

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* 6. How much do you trust your healthcare provider to give you accurate and useful information about vaccines?

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* 7. How much do you trust the public health agencies that recommend COVID-19 vaccines?

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* 8. Has your doctor, nurse, or other health professional ever recommended that you get a COVID-19 vaccine?

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* 9. Have any of the following influenced your decision to get a COVID-19 vaccine and/or booster shot? (Select the ones who have influenced you the most.)

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* 10. In the last month, have you seen or heard any negative information about the safety or effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines?

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* 11. In the last month, have you seen or heard any positive information about the safety or effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines?

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* 12. How much do you agree with the following statement?

 I have a responsibility to get vaccinated for COVID-19 to protect others.

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* 13. How difficult is it to get a COVID-19 vaccine in your community now?

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* 14. Which of the things in this list do you think may make it difficult to get a vaccine in your community now? (select all that apply)

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* 15. Have you received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine?