Thank you for taking the time to respond to our short survey. We expect the questions will take 3-5 minutes to complete. Your responses and insights will help inform our educational and promotional strategies in the years to come.

Your response will be kept confidential.

If you have any questions before, during or after the survey, please contact Aaron Asleson at

We appreciate your time and thoughtful responses. Thank you.
Head of the Lakes Natural Gas Group

Question Title

* 1. Name / Address

Question Title

* 2. Which Head of the Lakes Natural Gas Group Member is the utility provider in your area?

Question Title

* 3. Have you ever heard of 811?

Question Title

* 4. Who should you call before digging of any kind, even shallow digging such as planting shrubs or putting in a fence? Check all that apply:

Question Title

* 5. Do you know how to recognize a gas leak?

Question Title

* 6. Since natural gas is odorless, an odorant called "mercaptan" is added so you can smell it.  What would you say it smells like?

Question Title

* 7. If you smell the mercaptan odor associated with natural gas, what should you do?

Question Title

* 8. Have you contacted your local gas utility in the past year to ask about the location of pipelines?

Question Title

* 9. What would you do if you saw someone trying to damage a pipeline?

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* 10. Do you know how to recognize a pipeline right-of-way?

Question Title

* 11. How do you know if there is a pipeline near you? (check all that apply)

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* 12. Have you or anyone in your household ever tried to obtain information about pipeline safety in the last 12 months?

Question Title

* 13. If yes, where did you try?

Question Title

* 14. Were you satisfied with the response you received?

Question Title

* 15. Do you agree that your local gas utility, and the Head of the Lakes Natural Gas Group, is doing a good job keeping you informed about pipeline safety?

Question Title

* 16. In the last two years, have you seen or heard any information from your local gas utility relating to pipeline safety?

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* 17. If yes, what was the source of the information (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 18. Approximately how many times did you see information on pipeline safety in the last two years?