The purpose of this survey is to collect industry feedback and comment on the draft Automation Skills Case for Change prepared by Skills Impact. The draft Case for Change can be downloaded here.

The draft Case for Change proposes training package developments and modifications that will support the development of automation skills across multiple industries.

Feedback from Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) and broader industry and VET system stakeholders is vital for ensuring that the final Case for Change reflects industry skill needs.

Recommendations in the draft Case for Change refer to units of competency from many industry training packages. Information on training package components, including units of competency, can be found on, the national register of VET products.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Details

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* 2. Email

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* 3. Which industry sector do you work in or represent?

Question Title

* 5. If you are a member of an Industry Reference Committee (IRC), please provide the name of the IRC:

Question Title

* 6. What type of organisation do you work in or represent?

Question Title

* 7. What do you regard as the workforce skills that underpin the adoption of automation technologies and processes across multiple industries?

Question Title

* 8. To what extent do the following skill areas reflect the automation skill needs that you see in your industry area?

  extremely important important neutral unimportant
Assess the business opportunity
Design and test for automation
Optimise business outcomes through automation
Plan change and automation deployment
Manage deployment, including maintenance and evaluation

Question Title

* 9. Please consider the units of competency recommended for review in Attachment B, Table 1:

Question Title

* 10. Please consider the proposed new units of competency, listed in Attachment B Table 2:

  Yes No
Do the proposed units describe skills needed in your industry?
Are there any gaps in the range of units proposed?

Question Title

* 11. Please consider the proposed new skill sets, listed in Attachment B Table 3. Are the proposed skill sets useful for your industry?

  Yes No
Work with automated technologies or processes (AQF 3/4)
Enable business adoption of automation (AQF 4)
Robotic process automation (AQF4)
Drive business adoption of automation (AQF 5/6)
Lead business adoption of automation (AQF 8)

Question Title

* 12. Please consider the proposed new qualifications in automation, listed in Attachment B Table 4. Are the proposed qualifications useful for your industry?

  Yes No
Certificate III in Automation
Certificate IV in Automation
Certificate IV in Robotic Process Automation
Diploma of Automation
Diploma of Robotic Process Automation
Graduate Certificate in Leading Business Automation
Graduate Diploma in Automation
Graduate Certificate in Leading Robotic Process Automation
Graduate Certificate in Leading Change

Question Title

* 13. What challenges do you see with using units of competency, skill sets and qualifications that are designed for use across multiple industries?