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* 1. Please state your name. 

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* 2. What year of study are you in?

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* 3. Name of the conference you attended.

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* 4. Please specify how you participated at the conference.

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* 5. Where was the conference located?

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* 6. How much money did you spend in total?

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* 7. Please list or briefly describe the best part of the conference.

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* 8. Which session that you attended was the most relevant and meaningful to you, and why?

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* 9. Please rate the quality of the conference in the following areas:

  Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied  Neutral Satisfied  Very satisfied 
Raised knowledge and awareness 
Networking experience
A contributing factor to your future career

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* 10. If you attended a conference, and did not present, do you think you would be more likely to present at a conference in the future?

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* 11. Any other critical comments (prompt: conference dislikes etc).