Post Conference Reflection Question Title * 1. Please state your name. OK Question Title * 2. What year of study are you in? 1 2 3 4 OK Question Title * 3. Name of the conference you attended. OK Question Title * 4. Please specify how you participated at the conference. Attendee Presenter OK Question Title * 5. Where was the conference located? OK Question Title * 6. How much money did you spend in total? OK Question Title * 7. Please list or briefly describe the best part of the conference. OK Question Title * 8. Which session that you attended was the most relevant and meaningful to you, and why? OK Question Title * 9. Please rate the quality of the conference in the following areas: Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Raised knowledge and awareness Raised knowledge and awareness Very unsatisfied Raised knowledge and awareness Unsatisfied Raised knowledge and awareness Neutral Raised knowledge and awareness Satisfied Raised knowledge and awareness Very satisfied Networking experience Networking experience Very unsatisfied Networking experience Unsatisfied Networking experience Neutral Networking experience Satisfied Networking experience Very satisfied A contributing factor to your future career A contributing factor to your future career Very unsatisfied A contributing factor to your future career Unsatisfied A contributing factor to your future career Neutral A contributing factor to your future career Satisfied A contributing factor to your future career Very satisfied OK Question Title * 10. If you attended a conference, and did not present, do you think you would be more likely to present at a conference in the future? I presented No Yes OK Question Title * 11. Any other critical comments (prompt: conference dislikes etc). OK DONE