2016 Festivals Feedback

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* 1. Which festival did you attend in 2016?

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* 2. Which band or artist did you most enjoy?

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* 3. Who would you most like to see next year?

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* 4. Which speaker impacted you the most?

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* 5. How has Creation impacted your spiritual life?

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* 6. Do you have any ideas/suggestions on how we can continue to emphasize this in the future?

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* 7. Which portion of the festival was the biggest win for you?

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* 8. What is one thing that would make your festival experience better?

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* 9. How likely are you to attend Creation or Sonshine again next year?

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* 10. Why or why not?

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* 11. Do you have a special story about Creation or Sonshine that you'd like to share? (A salvation decision, positive experience you had as a group or family, observations, etc.)

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* 12. Do you have any other ideas or suggestions to make Creation 2017 even better?