Patient+ Questionnaire

The Head and Neck Cancer Survivor's Support Network is a non governmental organisation. The Network connects, supports, and advocates for people affected by head and neck cancer.

Thank you for accepting the invitation to complete this on-line questionnaire. The Patient+ questionnaire should take approximately 15-20 minutes to fill out (depending on your responses) and should be completed by the end of 5pm 21 May . Completing the questionnaire indicates your consent to participate in this project.

We have called this questionnaire Patients+. We want to hear from more than patients. We invite you to share this questionnaire with your carers, family/whanau and friends. We are seeking a wide range of experiences and thoughts to inform our Network objectives and activities. We encourage you to share your experiences and opinions. Please use the "Give comments" sections to share your experiences. 

 No computer Internet Provider (IP) addresses will be collected via (i.e. the address of the computer you use to complete the questionnaire). You can complete this questionnaire only once.  We value and respect your privacy. Your responses cannot be identified. All the collected data from the questionnaire will be kept for five years in a secure location. A summary of the questionnaire results will be available at at the end of May.