We all want a liveable future—one where our communities, climate and ecosystems are healthy. But it’s hard to know how to contribute to this future or how our own individual actions can really make a difference. 

The Fraser Basin Council’s Youth Program is excited to embark on a new storytelling project. We are working on a podcast that will feature relatable, immersive stories of bold young people reducing their climate footprint in communities across British Columbia. We want to hear stories of young people and their families transforming their communities through personal, positive, and on-the-ground actions.

We’re looking for youth ages 13-35 to speak to us about what they're doing to reduce emissions in their life and their community. Youth who are interviewed as potential guests for the podcast will receive $50. Youth who are then chosen as guests for the podcast will receive $400. We’re hoping to begin the interview process from May to September.  
Please CLICK HERE to begin survey.