Reading Instruction

This survey is a part of a research project from the AFT/CTU Teacher Leaders Program. This survey:
-is voluntary
-has no specific benefits or foreseen risks associated with participation
-is not a part of any negotiations
-will be used in a research project being presented at our teacher-leader showcase in May which may result in additional research and/or a policy recommendation.
Your participation in this survey indicates your consent to voluntarily take part in this survey for research purposes.
1.What university did you attend for your undergraduate?
2.What university did you attend for your master’s?
3.Do you have a Reading Endorsement ?
4.Did you earn your Reading Endorsement from an Ohio University?
5.Have you taken any reading instruction courses?
6.Did your reading instruction course teach you the following:
7.During your student teaching, did you work with ELL students?
8.During your student teaching, did you work with struggling readers?
9.Did you have any opportunities to work with students before student teaching?
10.What type of setting was your student teaching in?