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* 1. I am in Grade __________.

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* 2. On average, I currently spend about _____ hour(s) on homework PER NIGHT actually doing NIS school work. (Please DO NOT count time spent at outside tutoring, study breaks, etc.).

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* 3. My teachers tell me how long a given homework assignment should take.

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* 4. When I leave class, I understand exactly what I'm meant to do for homework.

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* 5. When I leave class, I understand the purpose of my homework assignment.

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* 6. My homework assignments for the day are posted on Veracross before 4pm the day they are assigned.

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* 7. My homework assignments on Veracross include a description of the task and any relevant handouts I might need.

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* 8. My teachers offer me choice in what, how, and/or how much I do for homework.

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* 9. Having a lot of major assignments due on the same day happens:

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* 10. Other than eliminating it completely, what are some things your teachers could do to improve the quality and quantity of homework they assign?