HuddLitFest Podcast Project
Please enter your full name
Enter your email address
Enter your mobile number
What is your current experience of podcasts? (note: you don't need to have previous experience to take part in this project).
I enjoy listening to podcasts but haven't made any myself
I don't currently listen to podcasts and haven't made any myself
I have some experience of making my own podcasts
I have a lot of experience of making my own podcasts
Other (please specify)
The project will involve taking part in 2 x 2 ½ hour training sessions on Saturday mornings (with a choice of two dates for each session). Are you generally available on Saturday mornings? If not, we may be able to make alternative arrangements for the training.
Other (please specify)
This project is open to 18-35 year olds. Please tell us the age you will be on 17 February 2024.
The project will focus on culture in the Huddersfield area. Please tick any of the following that interest you - this can be as someone who enjoys a particular cultural experience or as a practitioner.
Art - e.g. drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture etc
Books - e.g. fiction, non-fiction, poetry, spoken word
Comics - e.g. comics, graphic novels, Manga
Film - e.g. watching movies, documentaries, screenwriting
Music - contemporary
Music - classical
Theatre - e.g. acting, directing, scriptwriting, behind the scenes
Television and radio - e.g. watching, scriptwriting
Other (please specify)
Would you prefer to take part in the Podcast Project as a presenter/interviewer or as a producer/behind the scenes?
Producer/behind the scenes
Both/don't mind
Do you have any access requirements that we can support to help you to take part in the project, for example disability, long-term health condition?
Prefer not to say
Yes. If you tick this option, please specify what we should be aware of and how we can support you.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself and your experiences?