Preston Mastery Students:
As we have started this new program at our school, we appreciate the efforts you have made to help it be successful.  Recognizing that we have not yet completely met all of the goals that we set out to meet at the beginning of this process, we would like your help with the following items in developing some of our next steps:  

1.  We would like you to complete this survey and answer the questions as thoroughly and honestly as possible. 
2.  Mr. Jenson will meet with you in groups to discuss the design of the commons area and some of your thoughts on how it should be managed.  

While we obviously cannot implement everything that each student suggests, we will consider all of your responses as we attempt to make this program one that helps each of you as students meet your goals and potential.

Thank you,

Preston Mastery Campus Staff

Question Title

* 1. How would you rate your experience in the Preston Mastery Campus overall, thus far?

Question Title

* 2. List one or two things that have had the most positive effect on your experience.

Question Title

* 3. List one or two things that have had the most negative effect on your experience.

In the Preston Mastery Campus we have a goal to give students more control over the Time, Place, Pace, and Path of their education.  For the next set of questions we would like to know how you feel about those aspects as they relate to your experience in your courses this semester.  With all of these questions we are asking specifically about your time in the Preston Mastery Campus courses.  Elective courses you take outside of the Preston Mastery Campus are obviously not subject to these same goals.
First we'll ask about TIME.

When we refer to TIME we are referring to your ability to decide when, and for how long, you are going to work on a specific course within the mastery campus.

Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.

Question Title

* 4. In the Preston Mastery Campus I am able to choose the TIME of my learning.

Question Title

* 5. How important is choosing the TIME of your learning to your overall experience in the Preston Mastery Campus.

Next we will ask about PLACE.

When we refer to the PLACE of learning we are referring to your ability to choose where (the physical location) within the mastery campus you go to learn.  This would include the classrooms, hallway, and commons area.

Question Title

* 6. In the Preston Mastery Campus I am able to choose the PLACE of my learning.

Question Title

* 7. How important is choosing the PLACE of your learning to your overall experience in the Preston Mastery Campus.

Now we will ask about PACE.

When we refer to the PACE of learning we are referring to your ability to control how fast or slow you move through the materials for a particular course.

Question Title

* 8. In the Preston Mastery Campus I am able to choose the PACE of my learning.

Question Title

* 9. How important is choosing the PACE of your learning to your overall experience in the Preston Mastery Campus.

Finally we will ask about PATH.

When we refer to the PATH we are referring to your ability to choose the number and order of courses and how they interact with the courses you take outside of the mastery campus, as well as the types of courses you take both in and out of mastery campus as you move towards your "after high school" goals.

Question Title

* 10. In the Preston Mastery Campus I am able to choose the PATH of my learning.

Question Title

* 11. How important is choosing the PATH of your learning to your overall experience in the Preston Mastery Campus.

Question Title

* 12. How comfortable are you, right now, with learning independently?

Question Title

* 13. How does your response to the previous question compare with how you felt about learning independently before you started in the Preston Mastery Campus?

Question Title

* 14. One of the main goals of Preston Mastery Campus is to not just give you freedom to learn independently, but to teach you to learn independently. What specific things could we do to help you better learn to work on your own?

Question Title

* 15. How would you rate the impact of the mentoring process (having a teacher check in with you regularly)?

Question Title

* 16. What could we change about the mentor process that would be most helpful to you?

Question Title

* 17. How would you quantify your learning in the Preston Mastery Campus as compared to traditional classes?

Question Title

* 18. Please explain your answer to #17.

Question Title

* 19. The name Preston Mastery Campus was developed in the beginning of our process to distinguish it from other parts of our learning.  However, it is somewhat of a misnomer because mastery is only a part of our overall goals.  If you were to choose a name for our program that best represents our goals of personalizing the learning for each student, what would that name be?