This survey is for Creatives working in Ireland's commercial creativity sector, including but not limited to: advertising, marketing, PR, digital, social, design, event management and experiential.

It is entirely anonymous and is designed to help you express your opinion of what it means to be a creative working in the commercial sector in Ireland right now and what opportunities you feel it brings you.


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* 1. What level best describes your role?

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* 2. Which of the following best describes where you work?

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* 3. Please indicate your nationality. (This question is only being asked so we can establish if Ireland's creative output is viewed differently by Irish or non-Irish creatives.)

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* 4. By which gender do you identify?

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* 5. What is your opinion of the quality of creative work being produced in Ireland's commercial creativity sector right now?

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* 6. Do you think the Irish culture and environment contributes to the quality of creative output?

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* 7. In your opinion, what aspects of Irish culture stimulate our commercial creativity?

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* 8. When did you decide on a career in the creative commercial communications sector?

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* 9. Which one famous Irish advertising campaign inspired you from the past?

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* 10. Can you think of any Irish sayings that have slipped into our vernacular that originated in an advertising campaign/slogan?

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* 11. In your opinion, what aspects of working in a small, nimble country like Ireland help you to produce great creative work?

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* 12. In your opinion, what hampers you from producing great creative work in Ireland?

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* 13. Before now, had you heard of "Ireland: Where Creative is Native" the anonymous creative platform showcasing Irish commercial creativity produced by IAPI?

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* 14. How optimistic are you that "Ireland: Where Creative is Native" can make a difference to the quality of our commercial creativity output?

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* 15. How optimistic are you that IAPI can generate more international work for the Irish commercial creativity sector through their promotion of "Ireland: Where Creative is Native"?

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* 16. Have you or will you be submitting work to "Ireland: Where Creative is Native"?

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* 17. Please can you provide any recommendations for improving the platform?

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* 18. Please can you provide any recommendations for unique ways of promoting "Ireland: Where Creative is Native" to the international market? (Beyond using the Irish Times sponsorship to connect with their audiences abroad.)